47 species
2 subspecies and varieties
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Tricholoma acrehot gray trich
Substrate: under hardwoods, especially oak and hickory
Tricholoma apiumscented knight
Habitat: Mixed conifer forests
Tricholoma atrosquamosumblack-scaled trich
Habitat: Mixed woodlands
var. atrosquamosum – dark scaled knight, black-scaled trich
Tricholoma atroviolaceum
Description: Tricholoma atroviolaceum is characterized by medium-sized to large hard-textured fruitbodies with a broadly convex to plane cap, densely covered with small blackish violet to violaceous gray-brown fibrillose scales, and often with the edge split radially in age. The flesh of the cap often stains reddish gray when cut, the gills are cinnamon- or pinkish gray-tinged, and the stipe is thick, brownish in age, and sometimes has an enlarged base. The flesh has a mildly to strongly farinaceous odor and somewhat bitter taste. T. atroviolaceum occurs in northern California and the PNW under conifers, but usually not in large numbers. Apparently it is restricted to the Pacific Coast.
Distribution: Pacific Coast Pacific Coast
Habitat: Conifer forests
Tricholoma aurantio-olivaceum
Habitat: Conifer forests, especially with Douglas-fir
Tricholoma aurantiumgolden cavalier, orange knight, orange-sheathed Trich, golden Tricholoma, veiled Tricholoma
Tricholoma cingulatumgirdled knight, belted trich, girdled trich, girdled tricholoma
Description: Tricholoma cingulatum forms caps that are conical, becoming convex to umbonate. The cap surface is finely scaly, the scale dark gray on a paler gray background. The gills are white to pale gray, sometimes bruising yellowish with age. The stem is smooth to fibrous, whitish to pale gray, sometimes bruising yellowish, with a distinct ring.
Habitat: woodlands and dune slacks
Tricholoma davisiae
Habitat: Conifer forests, especially with pine
Tricholoma flavovirens
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Mostly under pine
Tricholoma focalebooted knight
Distribution: T. focale is very common in the PNW, occurring under conifers in low-nutrient soils.
Tricholoma imbricatummatt knight, shingled Trich, shingled Tricholoma
Tricholoma inamoenumirksome cavalier, ill-scented tricholoma
Description: Small to medium-sized fungi with wide-spaced, broad gills and a “coal gas” odor. Pale yellow fruitbodies. Coal gas is not something many people get an opportunity to smell nowadays but the odor of these mushrooms is strong and unpleasant for most people; some liken it to a heavy floral odor, such as that of Narcissus.
Distribution: Widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: Under conifers
Tricholoma intermediumwestern chevalier
Tricholoma lutescens
Origin: Native
Tricholoma muricatum
Description: Tricholoma muricatum is one of a confusing bunch of reddish brown-capped, viscid tricholomas, distinguished from the others by its radially fibrillose cap with short grooves at the edge, orange-white gills, brownish orange stipe, and growth with pine.
Habitat: One of the characteristic fungi of the coastal Oregon shore pine woodlands. When found in this habitat, it is fairly easy to identify, but away from coastal pines, identifications in this group become extremely difficult.
Tricholoma murrillianumwestern matsutake, pine mushroom, ponderosa mushroom
Tricholoma mutabile
Habitat: Conifer forests
Tricholoma myomyceswaxygill cavalier
Tricholoma nigrum
Description: Tricholoma nigrum is a little-known species, having been described in 1996 from a single collection made along the Oregon coast. Its fruitbodies are medium-sized or larger, and reminiscent of those of T. atroviolaceum, T. atrosquamosum (Chevallier) Saccardo, and T. luteomaculosum A. H. Smith. The cap is moist to somewhat sticky and densely covered with dark gray fibrils and small scales in the center, less so near the edge, the gills whitish to grayish, the stipe whitish, coated with silky fibrils, and sometimes with scattered blackish scales in its upper portion. Microscopically, the key characters are the layer of inflated cells that underlies the cap cuticle and presence of (often inconspicuous) cheilocystidia. The odor and taste are strongly farinaceous. The type collection was made in a shore pine woodland, whereas our collections came from an old-growth, mixed conifer forest dominated by Douglas-fir and western hemlock, with occasional western white pines on nutrient-poor soil.
Habitat: Conifer forests
Tricholoma pardinumdirty Tricholoma, tiger Tricholoma
Tricholoma populinumpoplar knight, sand mushroom, the sandy, poplar Trich, poplar Tricholoma
Tricholoma portentosumsticky gray Trich, sticky gray Tricholoma, streaked Tricholoma
Tricholoma saponaceumsoapy knight, soap-scented Trich, soapy Tricholoma
Tricholoma scalpturatumyellowing knight
Habitat: Conifers or hardwoods
Tricholoma sejunctumdeceiving knight, separating Tricholoma
Tricholoma sulphurescens
Habitat: Hardwoods, especially beech and oak
Tricholoma sulphureumsulphur knight, the stinker, sulfur Trich
Distribution: widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: under both hardwoods and conifers.
Tricholoma transmutans
Habitat: Woodlands
Tricholoma ustale
Habitat: Hardwoods, especially oaks
Tricholoma vaccinumfuzztop, scaly knight, russet scaly Trich, russet scaly Tricholoma
Distribution: Widely in Northern Hemisphere
Habitat: Growth with conifers, especially spruce
Tricholoma venenatum
Habitat: Hardwoods and hemlock
Tricholoma vernaticumcucumber armillaria, cucumber tricholoma
Habitat: Conifers
Tricholoma virgatumashen knight, silver streaks, fibril Trich, streaked Trich, fibril Tricholoma
Tricholoma zelleriZeller's mushroom