
Covers mushrooms and other non-lichenized fungi that form multicellular fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.

Browse by scientific name:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Scientific names beginning with P:
Pachycudonia monticolamountain-loving Cudonia
Panaeolina foeniseciibrown hay-cap, haymaker, brown mottlegill, haymaker's mushroom, mower's mushroom, haymaker's Panaeolus
Panaeolus papilionaceuspetticoat mottlegill
Panaeolus semiovatusringed Anellaria, egghead mottlegill, ringed Panaeolus
Panaeolus subbalteatusbelted Panaeolus
Habitat: Occurs on dung (often of horses) or dung-rich soil in gardens or lawns.
Panellus mitis
Origin: Native
Panellus stipticusbitter oysterling, luminescent Panellus
Panus conchatuslilac oysterling
Parasola plicatilisJapanese umbrella inky, pleated inky-cap, Japanese parasol
Habitat: Grows in grassy areas and among weedy plants along the edges of woodland trails
Paxillus involutusinrolled pax, roll-rim, brown rollrim
Habitat: P. involutus occurs in natural forest in our region but is not common there. It is much more common and abundant in parks and landscaped areas, where it is typically associated with birches, often along with Leccinum scabrum and Lactarius plumbeus
Peniophora incarnatarosy crust
Peniophora rufared tree brain
Perenniporia medulla-panispancake crust
Peziza badiabay cup, red-brown cup, pig's ears
Peziza brunneoatrabrown-black cup
Peziza domicilianacellar cup, home cup, domestic cup fungus, domicile cup fungus
Peziza praetervisa
Spores: 11--15 x 6--8 µm, ornamented with low warts, and containing two oil drops
Peziza proteanafalse Sparassis
Peziza sublilacinaviolet cup
Peziza vesiculosabarnyard cup, bladder cup, blistered cup, common dung cup, small dung cup
Spores: smooth, ellipsoid, 18--24 x 9--14 µm
Phaeocollybia attenuata
Distribution: P. attenuata is apparently restricted to the Pacific Coast, being most abundant from B.C. to central Oregon and less abundant in southern Oregon and northern California.
Habitat: P. attenuata often occurs in large troops, especially in lower-elevation spruce-rich forests.
Phaeocollybia fallaxpretty Phaeocollybia
Phaeocollybia piceae
Habitat: It is somewhat common in southern B.C., occurring as solitary individuals or groups in old-growth forests with abundant Sitka spruce.
Phaeocollybia scatesiaeKit's Phaeocollybia
Phaeolepiota aureagolden bootleg, gold cup, Alaskan gold, golden false Pholiota
Distribution: Widely distributed
Habitat: Usually found in the north temperate zone in disturbed areas of forests, such as along roadsides.
Phaeolus schweinitziidyer's mazegill, dye polypore, dyer's polypore
Habitat: Terrestrial, at the root of living conifers
Phallus impudicusstinkhorn
Phellinidium sulphurascenslaminated root rot
Distribution: Range of Pseudotsuga, Tsuga and Abies. Northern coniferous forests.
Habitat: Northern coniferous forests.
Substrate: Conifer wood.
Phellinidium weiriilaminated root rot
Phellinopsis conchata
Distribution: Northern North America, more common east than west.
Habitat: Hardwood forests and woodlands.
Substrate: Hardwoods.
Phellinus alni
Habitat: Forests, on hardwoods, particularly alder and maple.
Substrate: Wood.
Phellinus igniariuswillow bracket, false tinder conk, false tinder polypore, flecked-flesh polypore
Phellinus pomaceuscushion bracket
Phellinus punctata
Distribution: Widespread in North America.
Habitat: On hardwoods.
Substrate: Wood.
Phellinus tremulaeaspen bracket
Phellodon atratusblack tooth
Distribution: Confined to the Pacific Coast.
Habitat: Common under Sitka spruce.
Phellodon melaleucusgray tooth
Phellodon tomentosuszoned cork Hydnum, zoned Phellodon, woolly tooth
Distribution: Common in PNW and occur elsewhere in the northern U.S., Canada, and Europe.
Habitat: Conifer forests
Phlebia radiatawrinkled crust, radiating Phlebia
Phlebia tremellosatrembling Merulius, jelly rot, gelatinous woodcrust
Habitat: mainly a fall fungus and occurs on stumps, logs, and woody debris of both hardwoods and conifers
Pholiota astragalinabitter Pholiota, pinkish-orange Pholiota, conifer scaly-cap
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Occurs widely in the temperate and boreal areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Pholiota aurivellagolden Pholiota, golden scaly-cap, golden scalycap
Distribution: Broad
Habitat: Northern temperate and boreal forests
Pholiota carbonariaburnt-ground Pholiota, charcoal scalecap, charcoal scaly-cap
Pholiota flammansflaming Pholiota, yellow Pholiota, flaming scaly-cap
Pholiota highlandensisbonfire scaly-cap
Pholiota limonellalemon-yellow Pholiota
Pholiota populneadestructive Pholiota, poplar Pholiota
Pholiota spumosaslender Pholiota
Pholiota squarrosoidesbristly Pholiota
Pholiota subflavidapointed Pholiota
Pholiota terrestrisground Pholiota, terrestrial Pholiota
Phylloporus rhodoxanthusgilled bolete
Phyllotopsis nidulanssmelly oyster
Physisporinus sanguinolentusbleeding porecrust
Picipes badiusblack-leg, black-footed polypore
Distribution: Global.
Habitat: Forests and woodlands.
Substrate: Wood, usually stumps, logs, and branches on the ground. Can be growing from buried wood.
Piptoporus betulinusbirch conk, razorstrop fungus, birch polypore
Pisolithus arhizusdead-man's-foot, dyeball, pea-rock, dye-maker's false puffball, dyemaker's puffball
Plectania harnischii
Distribution: Occurring in scattered locations in Washington; Washington to Oregon, and in Montana, but likely also reaching California, Idaho and British Columbia, Canada.
Habitat: Growing among mosses on woody debris of conifers.
Spores: January-June
Plectania melastomajellylike black urn, black cup fungus
Plectania nannfeldtiiblack snowbank cup fungus
Pleurocybella porrigensangel's-wings
Distribution: Found on conifer (especially hemlock) logs and stumps throughout the PNW, often occurring in large, exquisite, imbricate masses
Pleurotus dryinusveiled oyster mushroom, oak oyster, veiled oyster
Habitat: Temperate forests with a hardwood component.
Substrate: Hardwoods, especially oak and maple.
Spores: Early fall.
Pleurotus ostreatus
Distribution: P. ostreatus is a species complex that has representatives in temperate forests worldwide.
Habitat: Forests with deciduous components.
Substrate: Hardwoods, primarily alder and maple.
Spores: Spring, fall.
Pleurotus populinus
Distribution: Montane North America, range of Populus.
Habitat: Montane forests, range of Populus
Substrate: Hardwoods, particularly Populus.
Pleurotus pulmonarius
Distribution: Northern hemisphere, coniferous forests.
Habitat: Temperate coniferous forests.
Substrate: Conifer wood.
Plicaria endocarpoidessmooth fairy cup
Spores: 8--10 µm diameter
Plicaria trachycarparough fairy cup
Plicaturopsis crispacrimped gill
Pluteus atromarginatusblack-edged Pluteus
Pluteus cervinusdeer-mushroom, fawn mushroom, fawn-colored mushroom, deer shield
Distribution: Grows on a variety of woody substrates, including sawdust and wood chips, and can be found throughout the year when temperature and moisture are conducive. It often is one of the early spring species at lower elevations.
Pluteus pellitusghost shield
Pluteus petasatuspatrician deer-mushroom
Pluteus romelliiyellow-stemmed Pluteus, goldleaf shield
Pluteus salicinuswillow shield
Pluteus thomsoniiveined shield
Pluteus tomentosulussmall white deer-mushroom
Polyozellus multiplexblack chanterelle, blue chanterelle, blue clustered chanterelle, clustered blue chanterelle
Distribution: Relatively uncommon Western North America, Japan and Korea
Habitat: Old-growth conifer forests
Polyporoletus sylvestris
Distribution: Western North America.
Habitat: Higher-elevation coniferous forests.
Substrate: Soil.
Polyporus alveolarishexagonal-pored polypore
Polyporus arculariusfringed polypore, spring polypore
Polyporus badiusblack-leg, black-footed polypore
Polyporus brumaliswinter polypore
Polyporus elegansblack-foot, black-footed polypore, elegant polypore
Polyporus melanopus
Habitat: hardwood and conifer logs, around stumps, and on the ground from a buried sclerotium or wood.
Polyporus squamosuspheasant's back polypore, scaly polypore, dryad's saddle
Polyporus tuberasterstone fungus, tuberous polypore, Canadian tuckahoe
Polyporus umbellatusumbrella polypore
Porodaedalea chrysolomagolden spreading polypore
Porodaedalea gilbertsoniipine conk, red ring rot
Distribution: Western North America
Habitat: Coniferous forests with Pseudotsuga menziesii.
Substrate: Wood
Porodaedalea pini
Habitat: P. pini is widespread in conifer forests where it causes white-rot of heartwood.
Porphyrellus porphyrosporusdark bolete, dusky bolete
Distribution: Widespread but not abundant.
Habitat: P. porphyrosporus occurs in coastal and low elevation conifer forests.
Postia caesiablue cheese polypore
Distribution: Northern hemisphere.
Habitat: Forests and woodlands.
Substrate: Wood.
Postia ptychogaster
Distribution: Western North America.
Habitat: Coniferous forests of western North America.
Substrate: Wood
Psathyrella ammophila
Origin: Native
Psathyrella candolleana
Habitat: It is found around stumps or in grassy areas in the vicinity of buried roots of hardwood trees.
Psathyrella caput-medusaemedusa brittlestem
Psathyrella carbonicolacharcoal Psathyrella
Psathyrella gracilis
Habitat: Found in wood chips in landscaped areas and in natural settings under hardwoods such as alder and cottonwood.
Psathyrella incertadubious Psathyrella
Psathyrella longistriataringed Psathyrella
Habitat: Occurs in mixed forests, often ones containing alder.
Psathyrella piluliformiscommon stump brittlestem, clustered Psathyrella
Distribution: It is common throughout the U.S., including the PNW
Psathyrella spadiceachestnut brittlestem, date-colored Psathyrella
Psathyrella spadiceogriseaspring brittlestem
Psathyrella subnudasmooth-capped Psathyrella
Pseudaleuria quinaultiana
Distribution: So far, only found in Washington and Oregon
Spores: smooth ellipsoid spores (15.5--21.5 x 7.5--10.5 µm
Pseudoarmillariella ectypoideswood Clitocybe
Pseudohydnum gelatinosumtoothed jelly fungus, toothed jelly, white jelly mushroom, jelly false tooth, jelly tooth, toothjelly
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus
Origin: Native
Pseudoplectania nigrellahairy black cup
Pseudoplectania vogesiaca
Distribution: Fairly common in the PNW
Psilocybe atrobrunnea
Habitat: Gregarious in swamps and bogs
Spores: August-October
Psilocybe baeocystisbaeos, potent psilocybe, knobby tops
Description: Sticky, conical, brown cap with brownish gills and off-white stalk; bruising blue.
Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in wood chips, on decayed wood, and decaying moss.
Spores: September-November
Psilocybe coprophilameadow muffin mushroom
Description: Sticky, brownish cap with brown gills and yellowish-brown stalk
Habitat: Singled to numerous, on horse or cow dung.
Spores: June-October
Psilocybe cyanescensblueleg brownie, cyans, blue halos, blueing psilocybe, potent psilocybe, wavy-capped psilocybe
Description: Tacky, wavy, brown cap, fading to yellowish, with brownish gills and whitish stalk; bruising blue.
Habitat: Several to many, in coniferous mulch
Spores: September-November
Psilocybe cyanofibrillosablue-haired psilocybe, rhododendron psilocybe
Psilocybe inquilinagrass rotting psilocybe
Psilocybe merdariadung mushroom
Substrate: Horse dung
Spores: April-October
Psilocybe montanamountain brownie, mountain moss psilocybe
Description: Small, dark brown mushroom; in moss.
Distribution: Has been reported from much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere.
Habitat: Common at higher elevations
Substrate: Moss
Spores: July-September
Psilocybe pelliculosaconifer psilocybe
Description: Sticky, dark brown, conical cap with brown gills and off-white, hairy stalk.
Distribution: Confined to the Pacific Coast
Habitat: P. pelliculosa typically grows in groups among herbaceous plants in disturbed forest settings. It often can be found along trails or the edges of forest roads.
Substrate: Conifer mulch in woods
Spores: September to November
Psilocybe semilanceataliberty-cap, magic mushroom
Description: Slimy, narrowly conical, brown to tan cap with brownish gills and smooth, off-white stalk; in pastures and manured areas.
Habitat: Scattered to numerous, in tall grass and grassy hummocks in cow pastures.
Spores: Late August to November
Psilocybe stuntziiStuntz's blue-legs, blue-ringers, Stuntz's psilocybe
Description: Sticky, brownish cap with brownish gills and brownish, ringed stalk; bruising blue.
Distribution: It is not often found in natural habitats. It is another species apparently confined to the Pacific Coast, particularly the PNW.
Habitat: P. stuntzii occurs frequently in well mulched newly planted lawns, as well as in wood chips and other landscape settings.
Substrate: Coniferous wood-chip mulch
Spores: September-December
Pycnoporellus alboluteusorange sponge polypore
Distribution: It occurs throughout the western mountains, and also has been reported occasionally from the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada
Habitat: common high-mountain fungus in spring and summer, fruiting on conifer logs, especially those of spruce, and occasionally on aspen
Pycnoporus cinnabarinuscinnabar-red polypore, vermilion polypore