Page author: Julie Jones
Cortinarius gentilis
deadly cortinarius, goldband webcap

Distribution: Broad

Habitat: C. gentilis has a broad ecological range, occurring in moist environments as well as drier, upland conifer sites. During the summer in the western mountains it can be very common, often fruiting in groups, sometimes from well rotted woody debris.

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Identification Notes:

Cortinarius gentilis is easily recognized when fresh by its bright brownish yellow colors and long, slender, often root-like stipe, with bright yellow veil remnants in the lower part. The cap typically is umbonate, slightly striate on the edge when moist, and fades rather quickly to yellowish or paler on drying. The flesh is usually brownish yellow, and the odor is often strongly of raw potatoes. The gills are distant, brownish yellow then dark reddish and sometimes with grayish to violet tints. The spores are more or less rounded and distinctly ornamented.

Sources: Trudell, Steve and Joe Ammirati. Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Portland, Timber Press, Inc. 2009.

Accepted Name:
Cortinarius gentilis (Fr.) Fr.

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Cortinarius gentilis in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

CalPhotos: Cortinarius gentilis photos

1 photographs:
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