bluebells, lungwort, mertensia
8 species
2 subspecies and varieties
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Mertensia amoenabeautiful bluebells, sagebrush bluebells
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in central Washington; central Washington to Montana, south to Wyoming and Utah.
Habitat: Seasonally moist slopes and rocky areas in sagebrush desert.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia brachycalyxshort-sepaled bluebells
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to Oregon, east to Idaho and Montana.
Habitat: Stream and riverbanks, wet meadows, and talus slopes.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia ciliatamountain bluebells, streamside bluebells, tall fringed bluebells
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to the Rocky Mountains.
Habitat: Stream banks, wet meadows, damp thickets, and wet cliffs, from the foothills to high elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: June-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia foliosaleafy bluebells
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada.
Habitat: Deeper soils in sagebrush habitat.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia longifloralong-flowered bluebells, trumpet bluebells, long-flowered lungwort
Distribution: Occurring chiefly east of the Cascades crest in Washington; British Columbia to California, east to Montana and Nevada.
Habitat: Drier areas from low elevation sagebrush deserts to middle elevations in the mountains.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-June
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia paniculatanorthern bluebell, tall bluebell
Distribution: Widely distributed on both sides of the Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to Oregon, east to Montana, also in the Great Lakes region and eastern Canada.
Habitat: Streambanks and wet meadows at mid-elevations in the mountains
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-August
Growth Duration: Perennial
var. borealis – northern bluebell
var. paniculata – tall bluebell
Mertensia platyphyllabroadleaf bluebell
Distribution: Occurring west of the Cascades crest in Washington, where currently considered endemic.
Habitat: Stream banks and moist, low woods at lower elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: May-July
Growth Duration: Perennial
Mertensia umbratilisshade bluebell
Distribution: Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to Oregon.
Habitat: Forest openings and seasonally moist areas at low to middle elevations.
Origin: Native
Flowers: April-May
Growth Duration: Perennial